Linda's classes
>> 1/14/10
I teach community education classes quarterly at Santa Fe College in Gainesville, Florida.
My brand new 3 week class "Clutter Club" begins Tues. January 19, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. If every year you repeat the same New Year's resolution, "I'm going to get organized!" yet never do it, this class is for you. Learn the basics about why people get "stuck" when dealing with clutter goals. Experience having the support of the class behind you, as you learn to set 1 realistic clutter goal to work on between each of the 3 sessions.
Register by either calling SFC Community Education @
(352) 395-5193 or register online by using the keyword clutter at
The first class was great. Unfortunately, I will be out of town for the next 2. I decided to clean off the 3 tables of scattered paperwork in my living area. It has been 2 days since class, and I'm down to 3 small stacks of paper, one on each table. I will continue to work on the stuff in those piles, and not let new stuff gather there. Deal with it as it comes in. Thanks for motivating me.
So...I started on our closet. I had my husband join me since half of the items in there are his. I thought this would take us at the most 30 minutes. Boy, was I wrong. If I had been doing it myself, maybe 30 minutes, but NOT with my husband. Sorting through all of his board game took 45 minutes. Luckily he managed to part with 13 of them. My goal NOW is to wotk on the closet for at least 10 minutes every morning. Wish me luck!!
To Marty & the Conklin's, you are doing GREAT!!! Thank you for sharing what you've experienced so far while working on your 1 organizing goal.
Marty, wonderful job focusing on working steadily on those paper piles. Good idea to try not to let new papers end up on those 3 tables and deal w/ them as they come in. Also, ask yourself for EVERY item of paper you're tempted to take, 'Where will I put this?" and "Do I REALLY need this?" The less you take home, the less to deal with!
So many paper piles are the result of not having a plan. Now you have one! Keep in touch over the next few weeks, even though you won't be at class.
To the Conklin's, great job working together. As I said in class, sometimes doubling the amount of time you think a project will take helps. Also, frequently people way underestimate or overestimate how long a project will take.
You have a very workable/realistic plan to now continue working 10 minutes at a time on the closet. You'll be amazed at what can get done in short, but steady, sessions (remember the story of the tortoise & the hare!). Keep up the good work & stay in touch as you work more.
Linda, Thanks for your comments. As I look at the coffee table tonight, I see things that ended up there today. Will try and put things away every night before I go to bed, so there is a sense of order in the morning.
Conklins, great idea to work each morning for 10 minutes on your project. Looks like I'll be working about 10 minutes each evening to maintain my space.
Hope we hear from others in the class.
Happy Decluttering to All.
So...the ten minute thing is not really working for me. Luckily, the only thing left to do in our closet was to orginize all of our stuff. So I got myself in there and did the rest in a half an hour without my husband. It looks GREAT!! The next day I tackeled the bookshelve and dresser in our room. When my husband got home he said "thank you for doing it". It feels good to get stuff done. I think my problem right now is just time management!!
Wow, Kelly, good for you! Small steps is the answer.
I am finding that I can clean the dirtiest space that I see each day (under the couch, the dusty top shelves, etc.) Little by little the house is a bit cleaner.
Frequently people start with an idea that sounds good (like the 10 minute a day plan) but, even though it's a good idea for some people, doesn't guarantee it will work for you. Many people give up at that point "See, I'm hopeless, nothing works, I'll never get organized" but it was simply... an idea that didn't work. Experimenting with a brand new idea might be all that is needed, as you found by putting 30 minutes into one, bigger session. Great job!
Sounds like the 'little bit' daily plan DOES work for you. This just shows how everyone is so different regarding what does or does not work for them. So glad you're having success tackling your space. Carry on!
I managed to clean and organize our kitchen junk drawer as well as cleaning and re-organizing the closet under the stairs. It is nice to be able to walk in there and get what I need for the kitchen. I store crockpot, blender, wok, bread machine and other large items in that area.
Next, I will tackel my dresser and closet. I need to re-organize and donate clothes which I never wear. I usually do this every six months or so, but it is time to do it again! I liked the ideas from for organizing your hanging clothes and labeling them. I think I will give it a try!
Best of luck to all of you with your efforts!
Wow, you're really 'going to town'! That's wonderful.
When I read about your plan to sort your clothing, I remembered I just got a notice yesterday in my snail mailbox from the Salvation Army about a campaign they are doing in my area in a couple weeks, coming to homes to get donated items. See details in a separate post I'm going to make in a second (in my general blog area) in case they'll come to where you live and you don't have any other charity you're already planning to donate the clothes to.
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