Linda Richards, Professional Organizer, Organizing Coach and Speaker, serving Salt Lake City, Utah and surrounding areas, welcomes you to the Organize and More blog which is filled with organizing and time management tips for your home or office.

Busy people will find concise posts about how to gain control over paper piles, clutter, over-booked calendars, AD/HD, Chronic Disorganization, and more.

Feel free to leave a comment about Linda's posts or share your own ideas about how to better organize space, paper, clutter or time.

Donate Prom Dresses to Becca's Closet

>> 2/10/10

Donate 'gently used' prom dresses hiding in your closet to organizations such as Becca's Closet so that others can use now, what you (or your daughter) used in the past.Take a photograph of the dress, to help preserve the memory of it, then donate the dress so that others can create new memories wearing it again this spring. Many times the only reason people hold onto old clothes is simply feeling afraid the memory will 'disappear' when the clothing is gone. Taking a photo helps allay that fear.

In my Gainesville, Florida area, members of Gainesville Health & Fitness can drop prom dresses off at the Main Center collection box during the month of February. Dresses will then become part of the Third Annual Prom dress giveaway in early March, at the Gainesville Boys and Girls club.

If you live in other cities or states, see if a local chapter of Becca's closet is near you, or consider starting a new chapter.


Unknown 20/7/15  

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